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Comparing India’s COVID Trends with US, Italy, Spain

Writer's picture: Tejas RokhadeTejas Rokhade

Amongst the growing tensions and fears due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus it would be interesting to have a look at different statistics which give us a clear idea so as to understand where the current scenario indicates us as India’s statistics show a different picture as compared to US, Italy, or Spain. Complete Coverage: Coronavirus

Crux of the Matter

WHO as of April 10 reported 1.6 million+ confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 95,000+ deaths.

The 10 Most COVID-19 Affected Countries

From the above table, we can see that the mortality rates are higher in Italy, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. Turkey, Germany and China have the least mortality rates at 2.15%, 2.2% and 4.07%. On the other side, the recovery rate of China is the highest at 94.51% followed by Iran and Germany at 48.79% and 44.32% respectively. China has seen resolution of most cases, whereas the majority cases in the rest of the world are active at present.

Though the USA, which has the highest number of cases, has a mortality rate of only 3.56% its recovery rate is also a mere 5.53%

India which currently has 6725 positive cases stands with a mortality rate of 3.36% and a recovery rate of 9.22%. Pakistan with 4489 cases is performing slightly better with a mortality and recovery rate of 1.45% and 12.47% respectively.

Spain ranks the highest for the number of cases per million with 3,277 followed by Italy (2375) and France (1804). India currently has 5 cases per million but as the number of tests increases, this is likely to go further up.

COVID-19 Mortality Rate, compared to SARS & H1N1

  1. H1N1 and SARS had a mortality rate of 0.02% and 9.65% respectively; whereas currently, the global average mortality rate of COVID-19 is 5.97%. This indicates that COVID-19 is less lethal than SARS.

  2. Over a 3 year timeframe in 2002-04, there were less than 10,000 cases of SARS. Whereas in 3 months the number of COVID cases are in millions. COVID-19 is significantly more contagious than SARS – which makes it much more dangerous for the population at large.

  3. If we also look at the data for major outbreaks in the past 5 decades, Ebola has proven to be most lethal amongst all others like Marberg, SARS, Hendra, H5N1, and MERS.

How Did the Numbers Frow? The first COVID–19 positive case in India was reported on January 30 in Kerala and after a long period of 41 days the number reached 50 and it nearly took 3 months to cross the century mark. But in only a span of 12 days, the cases reached 1000 from 100. The daily increment percentage has increased sharply and it indicates that more strict measures are required to control the outbreak.

On the contrary, Japan saw a 13% daily increase in cases before reaching 100 cases and an 8.1% daily increase in cases from its 100th case to its present toll of 4667. This decrease in daily increase indicates the flattening of the curve. S.E Asian countries like South Korea and Singapore are also following a similar trend.

Statistics of Malaria As per the 2015 WHO data, India reported 1169261 cases of Malaria. African countries of D.R Congo, Mozambique and Uganda reported the maximum number of cases. China reported only 39 cases whereas Iran had 1378 cases. This is interesting because the malaria medicine Hydroxychloroquine seems to have alleviating effects in certain COVID patients and India happens to have a monopoly in its production.

As we know that COVID-19 is highly dangerous in elderly men/women. Below graphs clearly depict the most affected age groups in Italy and Spain.

India has a massive population of 1.3 billion amongst which 5.78% is above the of 65 who are at high risk of contacting the virus.


  1. Africa has the lowest cases of Coronavirus among Asia, Europe, Africa, South America and North America despite China being continent’s top trading partner.

  2. The current coronavirus outbreak of SARS-nCoV-2019 is suspected to have originated from bats.

  3. The 2002 SARS coronavirus outbreak of SARS-CoV also originated from bats and also started in China.

  4. Indians gain more genes that protect against viral infections, according to Rajalingam Raja, director of Immunogenetics and Transplantation Laboratory at the University of California, “These genes enables Natural Killers(NK) cells, a type of white blood cells in our body that provides with first line of defense against viral infections.”

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